National Audit Office-UK-presentation making changes in operational projects

This is a presentation on making changes to operational PFI projects in UK. Overview: basis of audit findings, changes by sector, number/size of changes, type and origin of changes, cost of change-components and processing time for small changes.

HM Treasury-UK-change and variation procedure and protocols - guidance in pfi projects-2008

Changes may be required at various stages of a PFI/PPP contract, and the change protocol set out in this guidance document specifies principles and procedures that should be taken into account to implement all changes.

HM Treasury-variations protocol for operational projects (entered into prior to standardisation of PFI contracts version 4)-2008

The aim of this guidance note is to help public sector authorities with PFI contracts to put in place a voluntary protocol for managing variations during the operational phase of their PFI projects where they consider one may be necessary.

NAO-UK-report-making changes in operational pfi projects-2008

Under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), the public sector enters into a long-term contractual arrangement with private sector companies.  It is inevitable over the course of 25 to 30 years of operation that changes will be needed to the services and assets provided.

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