HM Treasury-UK-review of competitive dialogue/procurement procedure-2010

Since its introduction into UK law in January 2006, Competitive Dialogue has been used by the public sector to deliver a broad scope of projects ranging from large scale infrastructure programmes (including a variety of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)) to IT systems.

Leeds City Council-UK-presentation-managing risk in PPP-2009

This is a presentation on managing local authority risks in Leeds City Council. It outlines the process of identifying risks and the actions required to terminate any risks when planning. It covers the pre-procurement and procurement process in order to ensure there is a realistic demand for services.

EPEC-EU-procurement of ppp and the use of competitive dialogue in Europe-2010

This report reviews PPP procurement practices across Europe with a particular focus on competitive dialogue. The report seeks to identify the main benefits and problems with the use of the competitive dialogue procedure based on the experience of the EU Member States to date.

NAO-UK-procurement manual-2010

The purpose of this manual is to provide help and guidance to professional procurement staff (including contractors) who are involved in procurement.

Olympic Delivery Authority-summary-procurement policy (draft for consultation)-2006.

This document outlines the mechanics for the procurement process with respect to the delivery of the infrastructure required for the Olympic Games in London. It provides an introduction to the project management approach.

National Audit Office-UK-improving the PFI tendering process-J Robertson-2007.

This is a presentation from the NAO on how to improve the PFI tendering process. Overview: key elements of the PFI tendering process have not improved and in some respects are worsening.  Outline of key recommendations from the NAO report.

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