Olympic Delivery Authority-summary-procurement policy (draft for consultation)-2006.

This document outlines the mechanics for the procurement process with respect to the delivery of the infrastructure required for the Olympic Games in London. It provides an introduction to the project management approach.

H M Treasury & IUK-UK-National Infrastructure Plan 2010

An HM Treasury presentation about the national infrastructure plan 2010. A clarification of the UK’s infrastructure needs as well as the risks that need to be avoided. A list of the different plans in various areas such as energy, transport and digital communications and how is this going to improve infrastructure in the UK?

Ofgem-UK-presentation-offshore transmission in Great Britain-R Hull-2010

An Ofgem presentation about the offshore transmission sector in Great Britain. An overview of the regulatory regime and how it will help achieve a low risk revenue stream. Examples are provided of transitional and enduring projects and the future opportunities. A list of benefits of the new regime that will benefit generators, OFTOs and consumers are considered. 

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